Cast: Rob Nilsson, Gretchen Suess, Eric Holter
Directed and edited by Jessiqa Pace
Cinematography by Vincent Leddy
Sound effects by Michael Pizzoli
Produced during the "Direct Action Cinema Workshop for Writers, Directors & Actors" by Rob Nilsson at Film Acting Bay Area (2011) |
Blood Relations
Cast: Rick Daniels, Micci Toliver, Janie Kelley, Marianne Shine, Tiziana Perinotti
Directed and cinematography by Stephen Olsson
Edited by Adrianne Anderson
Produced during the "Direct Action Cinema Workshop for Writers, Directors & Actors" by Rob Nilsson at Film Acting Bay Area (2010). Conceived, cast, improvised and shot in 3 hours, using locations at hand at Ex'pression College, and with no additional lighting. |
Cast: Cathy Lerza, Anastasia Pritchard, Yollanda Gonzales
Directed by Mark Lecky
Cinematography by Vincent Leddy
Edited by Galina Pasternak
Produced during the "Direct Action Cinema Workshop for Writers, Directors & Actors" by Rob Nilsson at Film Acting Bay Area (2011) |
Cast: Richard Castrillon, Rick Daniels
Written, directed, videography, lighting, sound, and edited by Mick McGuinness
Sound assisted by Steven Luibrand
Produced during the "Writers, Directors & Actors' Workshop" by Celik Kayalar & Warren David Keith at Film Acting Bay Area (2011) |
Main cast: Rick Daniels, Diane Stark, Micci Toliver
Directed and edited by Josh Peterson
Cinematography by Cortney Hamilton
Produced during the "Direct Action Cinema Workshop for Writers, Directors & Actors" by Rob Nilsson at Film Acting Bay Area (2010). Conceived, cast, improvised and shot in 3 hours, using locations at hand at Ex'pression College, and with no additional lighting. |
Tea Party
Main cast: Michelle Anton-Allen, Kari Wishingrad, Stephanie Carwin, Maureen Williams
Directed and edited by Taura Musgrove
Cinematography by Josh Peterson
Produced during the "Direct Action Cinema Workshop for Writers, Directors & Actors" by Rob Nilsson at Film Acting Bay Area (2010). Conceived, cast, improvised and shot in 3 hours, using locations at hand at Ex'pression College, and with no additional lighting. |
Fairy Tale Next Door
Cast: Jimmy Dang, Christina Zamora, Diana Jackson, Galina Pasternak, Christopher Damm
Directed, cinematography, and original music by Christopher Damm
Story by Kathryn Soler
Edited by Galina Pasternak, Christopher Damm
Assistant directing by Galina Pasternak, Kathryn Soler
MMTB Director's Challenge Winner, April 2012. The film was cast (Director drew actors' names out of a hat), written, and filmed in five hours as part of MMTB Monthly Director's challenge. |